Ergonomics – Designing Your NetRefer Home Workstation

Undoubtedly, a key determining factor for productivity is the work environment. But how conducive is it to effective work, especially when we need to focus on specific tasks for an extended period of time?

It comes as no surprise that after Covid-19 hit, we’ve all had to rethink the way we work. On one hand, we’ve seen employees trying to adapt to a new reality – one that required them to constantly cycle between working from the office and working remotely from home. On the other, we saw NetRefer making quick and informed decisions in order to ensure that everyone was duly equipped to maintain high productivity levels in a safe and comfortable environment, regardless of their location.

Recently, NetRefer’s Human Resources and Facilities Management Departments teamed up to take things up a notch. The end-goal was to carry out a company-wide ergonomics assessment and implement any necessary practices to ensure the highest industry standards were met, not only on premises, but also away from the office. As a result, NetReferians were given all the training and information as well as the necessary equipment required to optimise their home workstations.

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NetRefer turned towards a professional Ergonomist and academic, Dr. Luke Fiorini, for a full assessment, consultation and training. He visited the premises to assess the situation and provide suggestions towards implementing the best practices, both for the office and for home.

What followed was a mandatory online course for all NetRefer employees. During the course, we learned about optimal ergonomic practices as well as case studies of the most typical MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders). Employees, then, received a detailed document recapping all the key points covered for ease of reference. A course refresher, including updates, is scheduled to take place every six months.

The Facilities Management Department was swift to act on advice garnered from Dr. Fiorini. The first step in their plan of action was to ask NetReferians to fill out an online form detailing their home workstation setup. The Facilities team proceeded to design and commission three workstation package options and asked employees to choose their preferred setup. This way, everyone chose the workstation option that best suited their needs, knowing that whatever their choice, they were ergonomically compliant.

The basic Ergonomics home setup package included a laptop (that doubles as a monitor), a laptop stand, a wireless keyboard, a wireless mouse and headphones. Home setup two provided everything described in the basic package and included the addition of another monitor and HDMI cable, whilst setup three included all items described in set up one and two with the laptop simply used as a tower – Ergonomics setup two was by far the preferred choice for those working from home, due to both comfort and convenience.

NetRefer’s efforts to enhance Ergonomic standards and practices at work spring from the belief that the company’s strongest asset is its collective of individual talent – the lifeblood of every impactful team. This is just one of the many initiatives the company has been undertaking in its continuous effort to create a welcoming, comfortable and productive environment for everyone.

Ready to join Team NetRefer? If you feel that you belong in a workplace that feels less like a company and more like a family, then check out our job page!